Navigator is a tiny JavaScript page manager and router and is inspired by Android Activities. It is designed for handling the pages of a single page application by calling their activity.
The activity takes care of creating a window for you in which you can place your UI with. An activity is based on several window states that we call the activitiy life cycle:
Event Name | Description |
onCreate() | called when the activity is first created. This is where you should do all of your normal static set up. This callback is called once unless you set data-nocache="true" to its page container. |
onReady() | called when the activity is becoming visible to the user. |
onTransitionEnd() | called when the page transition is finished. |
onClose() | called when the activity is no longer active, but always visible. |
onHidden() | called when the activity is no longer visible to the user. |
onHashChanged() | called when the hash changes. |
onTabChanged() | called when the user changes the active tab (tabs feature required). |
This is a Phonegap/Cordova event that fires when the user presses the back button on Android. Navigator supports it and will navigate to the previous page automatically.
This module is included in phonon-core.js.
require(['phonon-core'], function(phonon)) {
Create page containers inside your index.html file with the mandatory attribute data-page="true".
<home data-page="true" data-loader="true" data-nocache="true"></home>
<pagetwo data-page="true"></pagetwo>
There are 2 options.
1) Create page templates files
We recommend this option because it reduces the index.html file size and because Navigator can load templates dynamically.
<home class="app-page">
<header class="header-bar">
<h1 class="title">Home</h1>
<div class="content">
<!-- page content goes here -->
// JavaScript code can be executed when the content is loaded
// The variable "page" is injected so that you can use page.onEvent as you want
// global event works
document.on('pagecreated', function(evt) {
// adding an event is ok
phonon.navigator().onPage('home').addEvent('create', function () {
// or the new shortcut is also working :)
page.onCreate = function () {
2) Put the page content inside its page container in index.html file.
<home data-page="true">
<header class="header-bar">
<h1 class="title">Home</h1>
<div class="content">
<!-- page content goes here -->
Navigate to another page.
<button data-navigation="page-name">Go to page</button>
Navigate to the previous page with $previous-page.
<button data-navigation="$previous-page">Back</button>
Navigate with links.
<a href="#!page-name">Go to page</a>
Navigate with parameters.
Add the parameter inside the data-navigation attribute. For example:
<button class="btn" data-navigation="page-name/a/b/c">Go to page</button>
Navigation and i18n options are defined in the app options.
navigator: {
defaultPage: 'home',
hashPrefix: '!', // default !pagename
animatePages: true,
enableBrowserBackButton: true,
templateRootDirectory: '',
//defaultTemplateExtension: 'html', // if you use page templates
useHash: true // true to enable hash routing, false otherwise
i18n: { // i18n: null if you do not want to use internationalization
directory: 'res/lang/',
localeFallback: 'en',
localePreferred: 'en-US'
The page namespace permits you to listen to the page events. Furthermore, you can add options such as preventing the automatic close and adding a delay before calling the onReady callback.
pageObject parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
page | string | The page name |
content | string / null | The page content if defined |
preventClose | boolean | true if you desire to prevent the automatic close, false otherwise |
readyDelay | number | add a delay when the onReady callback is called |
The activity function is optional, use it in order to define page events.
phonon.navigator().on({page: 'pagename', content: 'content.html', preventClose: false, readyDelay: 1}, function(activity) {
activity.onCreate(function() {});
activity.onReady(function() {});
activity.onTransitionEnd(function() {});
// activity.onClose(function(self) {}); // use it only if preventClose is true with self.close();
activity.onHidden(function() {});
activity.onHashChanged(function(req1, req2, ...) {});
activity.onTabChanged(function() {});
// or
phonon.navigator().on({page: 'pagename', content: 'content.html', preventClose: false, readyDelay: 1});
You can also add individual page events without the page's scope (activity).
phonon.navigator().onPage('home').addEvent('create', function () {
phonon.navigator().onPage('home').addEvent('ready', function () {
phonon.navigator().onPage('home').addEvent('transitionend', function () {
phonon.navigator().onPage('home').addEvent('hidden', function () {
phonon.navigator().onPage('home').addEvent('tabchanged', function (tabNumber) {
phonon.navigator().onPage('home').addEvent('close', function (api) {
phonon.navigator().onPage('home').addEvent('hashchanged', function (param) {
console.log('params ' + param)
You can also pass a parameter if you want to. The parameter will be added to the URL.
phonon.navigator().changePage('page-name', 'optional-parameter');
Returns the current visible page.
Returns the previous page.
By creating a form and posting it (action) to a valid hash, the page will be loaded using a POST call instead of a GET, and the serialized form will be posted.
<form method="post" action="#!my-page">...</form>
document.on('pagecreated', function(event) {
console.log('global state pagecreated: ' +
document.on('pageopened', function(event) {
console.log('global state pageopened: ' +
document.on('pagetransitionend', function(event) {
console.log('global state pagetransitionend: ' +
document.on('pagehidden', function(event) {
console.log('global state pagehidden: ' +
document.on('pagetabchanged', function(event) {
console.log('global state pagetabchanged: ' +
document.on('pageclosed', function(event) {
console.log('global state pageclosed: ' +
document.on('pagehash', function(event) {
// For the given hash: #!onepage/a/b/c
console.log('global state pagehash: ' +
console.log(event.detail.req[0]); // a
console.log(event.detail.req[1]); // b
console.log(event.detail.req[2]); // c